So hello, everybody. Good morning or good evening or good afternoon wherever you are. 大家好,无论你在哪里,祝你们早上好、晚上好或者下午好!I invite you today to some specific experience, an experience which children like to play or like to express very often. 今天邀请大家来做一个特别的练习体验,这个练习小孩子特别喜欢玩并也时常玩。And grown up like we are,we are no longer familiar with it. 当我们长大成人, 我们便忘却了。So I want to make you a little curious about some exercises which help to express, to open up more for your expression,因此,我想激发你对这个练习的好奇,这个练习可以帮助你去表达,为你的表达打开更多的空间。and not in a gentle way, but in a more expressive way,very impulsive, very intensively, and very expressing I mean, regarding the way how I expressed myself and how theimpact on the other is我认为我表达自己以及影响你们的方式不是那种更温柔的,而是以一种更有表现力的方式,这种方式非常有力量,非常强烈,非常有表现力。so I hope you will not be too concerned about what I invite you to do today.我希望你不要太担忧我邀请你今天要做的动作是什么。Just keep it as a way toloosen up muscles, to loosen up chronic tension. 仅仅把它当做放松肌肉和慢性紧张的一种方法。And there is one aspect which is important. I want topoint out before we start, 在开始之前,我想指出一个很重要的方面if there is a contraction orchronic tension, it is like holding in or holding back, or not letting go, orholding up and not giving in. 如果有收缩或慢性紧张,这就像蜷缩向前,僵在那里,耸肩不放松的感觉。So whenever we think about this kind of muscular tensionor this inner habit to withhold yourself, we speak about muscles who are tense,who hold back, and who are not flexible, who cannot move or react to the outerworld, and the necessity to react. 因此,无论何时我们提及这种肌肉紧张或这种内在想要绷住的习惯时,我们指的是那些紧张的肌肉,它们退缩,它们不灵活,它们不能移动或当必要时也无法对外部世界做出反应。And children and when we werechildren learn this by education. 当我们是孩子的时候,我们通过学习获得了这项技能。It is any expression of social control or social habits, or social structuring.它是社会控制、社会习惯或社会建构的一种表现形式。And I don't want to talk about this today, but I justwant to offer you some exercises where you can express yourself, or how you can feel strong enough and open enough, and free enough. And while having animpact on somebody.我今天不想谈这个,但我想教给你一些练习,通过这些练习你可以表达自己,能感觉到自己足够强大和开放,足够自由,并且同时对他人产生影响。So don't think I'm weird when we start now. It is just anexercise. Nothing else. 所以让我们现在开始吧!不要觉得这很怪异, 这只是一种练习罢了。Sojust loosen up a little. Just hop, just hop, jump a little and dosounds so that the voice can open. The sounds can open所以,放松一点。跳起来 跳起来,发出一些声音让你的声带打开。As breathing you can open, andyou can just jump a little. And then you can make like fish and do like this. "Whoo.Whoo."边呼吸边放开地跳,就像一条鱼一样,像这样跳。That, so feeling free with yoursound with you movement. 随着你的声音和动作感受这种自由的感觉Yeah, ha. and then put your feet parallel. 双脚平行Just wait for a moment. and feel your body andsense, how you feel the vitality of your body. 稍作休息,感受你的身体和你的感官,感受你身体里的活力。Just be aware of it. So it's not weird. It's just know action. 只是觉察它,这不奇怪,仅仅知道这个感觉。And and I want you to do it again, just like.我希望你们再做一次,就像这样。Ha. Then stretch that。然后伸展。And just feel your body and the breathing and thesound. 感受你的身体和呼吸以及这些声音。Just be aware of itself, be aware of your chest breathing, the openness. 只是意识到这些感受的存在,意识到你在呼吸,你的开放性。And remember how you we're feeling when you were doingit. could you just enjoy? 记住你的感受以及你正在做的,你享受这个过程吗?Just make it some kind of gymnastics or were you afraid about your neighbors?,or your children in the other room or your partner. 只是把它当做一种体育锻炼, 还是你会担心邻居或者在隔壁房间的孩子以及伴侣?So never mind, just take it as a gymnastics. Nothing else.不要在意,仅仅把这当做一个体操。You can go on expressing or opening up the expression, just like put your arms, like this. your feet are stable on the ground.the legs have to be a little bent. And then you just like,ah。你可以继续伸展,放开你的肢体动作,像这样抬起你的胳膊,你的脚是稳稳踩在地上的,你的腿需要微曲,就像这样…Just feel again your body. feel about your voice, your breathing. 感受你的身体,你的声音,你的呼吸。I feel more open, my sound is deeper. 我感觉到更舒展了,我的呼吸更深了。It just comes up from the bottom of my chest. And that feel clear and vital. And you can do it again, just like.我感觉它从我胸底升起,那是很清晰且重要的,你可以再次尝试一下。How's your elbows back? 你感受到肘部是怎样的状态?Yeah. Yeah. Or you can even take all your arms just like 你可以摆动你的胳膊像这个样子but bend your knees, so that you have a stable ground. 弯曲你的膝盖,这样你能保证你的下盘稳健。And then feel it again.然后再次感受一下。Just take time and also remember:to do the exercises is as important as to make a pause, a pause to get better feeling of yourself.不要着急, 并且记住,做锻炼和暂停一样重要,暂停可以让你感觉更好些。Maybe you can close your eyes for a moment and just feel how you stand, how stable you stand?也许你可以闭上你的眼睛感受你目前站着的姿势,以及你站的稳不稳、And just keep your knees a little bent. 保持你的膝盖弯曲。Maybe the legs are little trembling right now becausethe muscles are loosen up and opened up. 也许你感到四肢有点颤抖,因为刚才的运动让你的肌肉放松并且舒展开来了。Yeah. And just do it again, just like bend your knees alittle and then 让我们再做一遍,微微弯曲你的膝盖。so that you feel the opening of the chest and opening of the shoulders yeah.你能感受到你的胸腔打开,肩膀打开。And just realize if you're familiar with the open up,opening up your sound and you raising also,注意到你对于这种打开很熟悉了,以及你的嗓音要打开,并且音调在上升,or if you do it like just like poor.如果你像这样,很虚弱just do like this 而应该像这样。Take a rest again. make your pause. Close your eyes. 再次稍作休息,闭上你的眼睛。Yeah. And then slowly, very slowly bend over so that the upper part of your body can hang out and down and being knees are bent. 慢慢的,慢慢弯曲你的上半身以便可以这样倒悬下来,保持膝盖微曲。Just stay there for a while with your knees bent, and upper part of the body hang over. 保持这个姿势一会,膝盖弯曲,保持你上半身的悬着。Then beat your back a little with your fist. 用你的拳头敲打你的背。 Just make fists and beat your legs, the muscles oflegs. so that you loosen up the muscles. 握拳敲打你的腿,腿上的肌肉,以便可以放松你的肌肉。Yeah. And then hang down again. 之后上半身继续悬着。Hang over. Yeah. 悬着。And very slowly, come up very slowly. 然后慢慢的起身。really take your time to get up. 不要着急,慢慢起身And let your head hang down. 让你的头下垂。It's just like swaying very slowly come up. the knees are bent. 慢慢摇晃着起身,保持膝盖弯曲。Take your time. And forget about time. 慢慢来,不要在意时间。And when you stand, when you're back in the up right position, 站起来的时候,后背挺直,just bend your knees. Keep your knees a little bent. 弯曲你的膝盖,让你的膝盖微曲And just feel your body. Feel the energy, the flow of the energy. 感受你的身体,感受那股能量,Maybe there's a little trembling or little trembling in the legs. 也许你的四肢会有些发抖,Just let it happen because it’s an autonomous reaction of the body. 让其发生,因为这是身体自动的反应When you loosen up and when you open up, after bigtension or chronic tension, of course the muscles they begin to tremble alittle, just like shivering, shaking, trembling, and this is normal. Just don'tbe afraid of it.当经历一个强烈的紧张,你放松或者舒展时肌肉会出现一点颤抖是很正常的,不要担心。Be aware of yourself standing in an upright position, feel how strong you are, how open you are with your awareness, with your perception around you,意识到你正笔直的站着,感受到自己是多么强壮,多么开放,对周围环境开放。and how open you feel. And how open you feel about yourself. 以及你对于自己的感受是多么开放。Yeah. And then when you feel good enough in your body with your knees bent a little and maybe a little trembling. 保持膝盖弯曲,也许是有点颤抖,感受到身体内在足够好的时候,Just take your finger and,Yeah. Knock a little. 弯曲你的手指,敲击这里Just run here in the middle of your chest.触摸胸膛中央,And in gymnastics, we say this is the part of yourbody where you feel the ‘I’. It is me. 在练习中,我们说这个你感受到的身体的部分就是“我” I am strong. I am vital. 我是强壮的,我是有力量的And I'm open to the world. And I'm open to myself. 我对世界以及自己开放And I'm open to society and the environment where I live.我对我所处的社会与周围环境保持开放 I feel this it is here. It is me being here andfeeling this vitality and this strong power, and this good energy, the body and being upright. 我感受就是这里,我就是在这里,感受到这个强壮的力量能量,以这个笔直的姿势。And at the same time, traveling a little and being strongby this and being convinced of myself and feeling this self trust, which ishere, Goodness is I. 同时,尽管有一点颤抖,通过相信自己,信任自己,我就在这里,而变得更有力量了。I am my body. I am my vitality. I am my energy.我就是我的身体,我的生命,我的能量。 And just feel it and take it as a gift, as a giftfrom nature, a gift from nature which helps us to,感受它并把它当做一个礼物,一个来自自然的礼物, a gift from nature which helps us to want toreally go my way in the world. It is me and my way. I want to go my way. 这个礼物帮我们在这个世界上前进,走出自己的路And I have strong legs where I can stand on and stronglegs where I can walk on and have a strong and deep breath to produce energy.我有强壮的腿可以用来站立和行走,强壮而深沉的呼吸可以产生能量。 And a good sound to make myself understood. 以及一个好嗓子来帮助别人理解我So be aware of it. And after a while, just lie down onthe ground again. 稍加注意,一会,再次躺地上As I showed you already before on the other exercises,and just lay lie down 我之前在其他的练习中向你们展示过,就这样躺下. And let yourself go, go to the ground and give in.让你自己躺在地上,交给地面Just feel your breathing. 感受你的呼吸The structure of your body on the ground. 你的身体接触地面的姿势Maybe your legs are still little trembling.也许你的腿仍然有点颤抖Maybe there's a little shaking in your chest. Just let ithappen because it's nature. 也许你的上身仍有点颤抖,就让它这样发生,因为这是自然的反应。It's your body. 这是你的身体And just be aware of yourself. 仅仅意识到And remember, in your life, when you have this kind off eeling or sense of your body.并回忆在你生命中何时有这种感受 And if you don't remember, just be aware of it now.如果你不记得,那么现在觉察一下How important it is for you to feel like this, to be like this, 这种感觉对你来说是多么重要。you can be on the ground for five minutes or so, and just relax, and just feel your vitality and trust in your body. 你可以在地上躺五分钟,放松一下,感受你的存在,信任你的身体。I will shorten up a little. But you can still lie down.我将缩短这个进程,但是你可以继续躺着 And a short another by getting up again in the way,as I told you before, not too fast.我之前告诉过你们,不要起身太快,要慢慢起来And then stand on your legs and feel for a little while.站起来,感受一会Just move a little and feel integrated again.动一下,感受到身体的整合Just try it everyday once, maybe in the morning or in the evening,可以每天练习一遍,也许是早上或者晚上 when you come back from your job or when you don't feel good, when you have stress in your body, or when you're angry perhaps, 那时候你刚下班,或者当你感觉状态不好,身体疲乏或者生气时。or just do this little exercises for a while and then lie down on the ground and relax and feel strong and good enough afterwards.或者仅仅做一会这个练习,然后躺下,放松,过会你会感受到充满力量以及自身足够好。I want to say goodbye to you.要说再见了。Wish you a nice afternoon or a nice day or night evening, wherever you are in China.无论你在中国哪里,祝你有美好的一天。
And I'm glad to join you though. We don't meet eachother right now.尽管我们现在不能立马见面,但我很开心我们能一起完成这个练习。But I'm sure when I can come back to China again after the Corona crisis, 当疫情过去,我会再次回到中国perhaps I need some of you, my workshops. And we can train together.也许我需要你们——我的同事们,我们可以一起训练,We can experience this together. 一起体验。So bye bye, everybody. So bye bye 那再见了各位!