



版权归属Ulrich Sollmann 老师所有





Good morning, everybody, or hello, or good afternoon or good evening.



Last time when you watched my video,there was a lot of expression of big and impulsive and aggressive expression.



So now today I want to calm down alittle and to invite you for, so to say, a more gentle approach to your body.


And I want to refer tothe upper part of the body, to the head, to the face, to the jaw, to the neckmuscles, to the throat.



So that you feel more comfortable here, and that you can relax a little, and that you will perhaps invite yourself and not to think so much about everything.



And when you're stressed, of course, these functions in the head are mobilized and stressed and strained.



Softly, it's very helpful and good to work a little in this area.



 I want to start with wakening up their face, wakening up the head so that you say good morning to your face and what it could do this in your bathroom in front of the mirror.



Or you can do it in a car when you don't move and when you have to stay there for a little while.



So you can just invite your face to, well, just like clapping a little while massaging, to a massage to your face muscles, you know,everywhere around the eyes, on the forehead, or the jaw, or your chin.



And you can just massage in the way, which is good for you, which you feel that it helps you to be more aware of your face, of the state of waking up, and coming to today and to life back again to your vitality.



So you can justmassage, and massage your head because there are also muscles. 



And you can doit quite heavily, not just gently, you know, not stroking.



When you are togetherwith the person you love, perhaps then you stroke and your gentle, and this isvery good of course. I can advise you, I mean, just to follow your relationshipby this.



But on the other hand,doing to yourself, it's helpful one to do it quite heavily and strong that themuscles will wake up and breathed by doing it. 



Don't stop breathing just, you know, massaged.


And of course there are muscles in the face which are the strongest in your body.



And I mean, the muscles here,the jaw muscles. They're ever so strong. 



And when you bite, you can bite and hold something very intensively. 



So you have, of course, to open up thosemuscles, and then you can massage them with your thumbs.



You can slowly do itvery intensively, and you can breathe by doing it, because maybe it hurts alittle, so don't press too much, but also please don't press too little.



So find away with yourfingers to massage these muscles and breathe in between. 



Because this massage opens up some breathing to, then you can just relax a little, and just feelyour face, and your jaw, and your head.



You could do it again.Just massage. 



You know the muscles around the eyes, the forehead, the jaw, chinand your neck a little, and your head.



 And you can press your muscles there, atthe jaw. 



And the massage is good for the muscles but also for opening up the breathing.



And then afterwards, just let your arms hang down. Perhaps close your eyes and just sense.



Maybe there is a little tingling or the face becomes warm, or it feels like as if the face is opening, opening for the day, opening for something new in your life.



You can do this once,twice or three times with a little break in between, so that you can feel howit is.



So don't only massageand go on massaging or pressing.



Please, please invite yourself also to calm down and to take a little rest so that you can digest and let it in, what you experience in this area.



And of course there isanother way to open up the jaw and breathing, and I will show you. 



So you can open the mouth just like … and breathe through the mouth …



 Even if it looks alittle funny, or weird.



I won't, nobody would be there, so you don't have to worry. Just breathe.



 There will be a yawning, perhaps, and perhaps the chin willclose your mouth, will close in between, so it's a good way to keep it open.



Just like this. You press a little on your chin when it's open, not hard, but so that the mouth cannot close again.



Don’t force yourselfjust a little open and breath.



And after a while, just feel and sense your jaw and your chin and your face. 



And let your jaw hang downa little.



When you could do it again, just open your mouth and hold it open.



You can make it a bit longer. 



Take your time, I would just demonstrate, so I am a bit faster just to show you the little variations which you can use.


You can go one stepfurther, so to say, to mobilize a little the jaw muscles.



You can do it likeopening the mouth, holding the chin with your hand. Then with both your handsand your chin, you move towards each other.



I will show you how it works. So you stand in between them, opening of the mouth and closing at the same time. 



And you will sense what it feels like when you do this. So Let it happen then.



Then I open and close at the same time and holds attention in between.



And then let your arms hang down again and just feel this area around the mouths, of the jaw muscles, and your face.



And just let it happen, how it feels like, maybe there's a little more tingling, or opening of bones, or whatever.



Just let it happen and sense and feel it.



And when you get somesort, just let them go away so that you can be more aware of yourself how thisopens up.



You can do it again,perhaps. And then let your arms hang down again and just relax and feel and beaware of it.



And you will realizethat the mouth does not close automatically as you experienced before perhaps. 



So just be aware of this new sensation, this new feeling around here.



No force yourself. Don't push yourself.



It's a time for yourself. It's a time for waking up and getting up and touching your daily life again.



So don't be astonished when you yawn so deeply, and it's a sign that you really relax inside in the chest with your breathing and your diaphragm muscles around here in the chest.



So don't be afraid orworry about it. It's just normal. It's a normal reaction of your body.



 You remember, open up by all those exercises, open up the automatic reactions in your body.



Then I will show you something else with the neck muscles and for the throat.



Just put your hands in the back like this, and press a little with your head against hands, and with the hands against the head.



So it's, again pushing from both sides, and you hold the attention in between. I will show you, just look. I open my mouth and hold attention, and then feel a little trembling in my shoulders, and in my upper chest.


I just let it happen. ThenI let it go again. Just feel the neck, and the back of your head.



Perhaps you will feel how it opens up.



Opening up is often sensedas more freedom, more relaxation.



 At the end, for a second time, just pressing against the hands and was a hand against the head.



Feel the trembling,perhaps a shivering or shaking, just a normal reaction of the muscles.



Breaths, Okay, let goagain and just feel and sense. Sense how it is.



And I will do it a bit faster so you can take your time. And I would change to the other side, to the forehead.



So I pressed a little against my forehead and with my head against their hands, just like we did from the back. Open your mouths by this and just breathe through the mouth.


Okay, let it go again and just sense your throat and your neck in the front and the back of your head.



Just take your time again. Don't hurry, don't rush and don't push yourself.



When you think of something, just let it go.



So that you have time for yourself. You can do it for a second time. Then your feel it again and relax and be aware of yourself.



And again, take your time. Just be a friend of yourself. Be a friend with your body.



And just, Whoa, don't get up, stand up, rush through your work.



This is not a good way. Just be a friend of yourself when you start, when you start the day, when you start your life. And you can do this again with the both sides of the head.


You can, for example,press a little against the head from the right and just hold it for a while and breathe. You can relax again and take your time.



You can do it for a second time, which I don't want to do now.



I can just invite you to do it twice or three times.



Just press a little and hold it for a while and breathe and open up. Maybe feel the journey and then let go again.



And you can do this from the other side, too. Just hold it, and breathe, and let go.



And then after a while,take time for yourself and do it for a second time, perhaps, or a third time.



And then sense the throat, neck, all of those parts of muscle of here which connect the head andthe body.



And the more you can relax, the more the flow of energy between the body and the head can happen, maybe,you will experience it when you do this more often, you will calm down and be more grounded in yourself, in your body. And that your head is more open.


When you realize, when you talk, or when you study, or when you discuss something or concentrate, maybe you will realize that feel, that you need some rest in your body again.



So to say, you have to relax your head, and then you can do those exercises in your office or in a car or wherever you are.所以说,你必须放松你的大脑,然后你就可以在你的办公室、汽车里或任何地方做这些练习。


Don't forget, relax inbetween. Don't do anything, just breathe and sense.



Maybe finally you can just stay there and stand there and just move your head very little, very slowly, from one side to the other.



So that you can sense how the head is located and connected with the body, located on the body and connected with the body.



So that you can feel this. I do it bigger now so that you can see how it worked and do it very slowly in whatever direction you need to do it.



And then after a while, stop it and just sense and feel.


Of course you can lie down on the ground afterwards, and take some minutes for yourself, so that the experience can enter your body and can, so to say, flow into the body and from the body back to your head.


So for myself I will open now. I could go on now, but I won’t.



I don't want to overload you with exercises, so today it's just a wakening up exercise for the head, your face, your thoughts and yourself.



And of course, somedays later we will meet again and I want to add something. Some people asked mefor specific exercises or for specific needs.



So please feel free to send me a message via Wechat, and I will refer in my next videos to your specific needs.



And my Wechat ID iswith little letters, “us44801”. So we meet here in my blog and on WeChat perhaps.



Have a nice time andsee you again. Bye bye.


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